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Chichester Controlled Parking Zones

A public consultation on proposals for new Chichester Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) starts soon.

An informal consultation was held in March last year and having considered the responses, county councillors have decided that further consultation is appropriate:

A formal stage now starts on 13 February and runs until the 5 March.

Westhampnett is Zone U - Claypit Lane, Coach Road, Dairy Lane, Old Arundel Road, Stane Street.

Proposals include:

  • Adding 15 new CPZs to the existing 11 zones, some of which are being extended but no changes are proposed in the existing zones

  • There would be a mix of mainly permit-only parking spaces, but with some ‘shared’ with short-stay parking, especially near neighbourhood shops

  • A new approach in ‘no through roads’, with ‘Permit holders only past this point’ to reduce the impact of signs, lines and costs

  • Residents’ Permit prices would be in line with elsewhere in Chichester (£38 or £44 a year for a first permit and double this for a subsequent permit). Non-resident permits (£165 or £275 a year) will be considered where there is spare capacity (i.e. to allow local workers to park). Other permits (e.g. visitors’/carers’) would also be available

There could be an option to ‘phase’ or defer the implementation of zones where there is less support for what is proposed, or where problems are currently minimal. This will allow the county council to monitor the impact of leaving such areas unrestricted.

More details, including maps of the proposals and how to have your say, can be found at

Copies of the maps can also be seen at Chichester Library, Tower Street, or East Pallant House, East Pallant.

Responses must be received by Thursday 5 March 2020.


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